Every conversation that happens in Facebook is visible to you. And you can browse their personal profiles that include their education, work, and interests.
You'll easily see if they're using Facebook Messenger to send and receive unflattering photos and videos. See the connections they have with friends and the groups they have joined.
With SpyX monitoring, you can easily find out if they are being cyberbullied, a victim or a harassed person. Check their news feed, friends and followers.
You can monitor Facebook usage hours in real time on your phone. Remotely block your child from using the Messenger app on their phone during school hours.
Capture their online activities on Facebook with SpyX.
Choose SpyX for effective parental control and discreet employee monitoring. It offers diverse monitoring features compatible with various devices.
Here are a few more reasons why you should choose SpyX
Monitor Facebook remotely without installing any software on the target device.
Stays completely hidden—no alerts or icons on the target device.
Get instant updates on all Facebook activities in the SpyX Control Panel.
SpyX supports remote monitoring on any phone model.
All information is securely stored and fully protected—only you can access it.
Any questions or needs, SpyX support is here to help.
Step 1
Sign Up for Free
Step 2
Connect Target Device
Step 3
Find Out the Truth
Help you find out what’s going on their account, wherever and whenever it’s happening.
SPYX'S SOFTWARE INTENDED FOR LEGAL USE ONLY. You are required to notify users of the device that they are being monitored. Failure to do so is likely to result in violation of applicable law and may result in severe monetary and criminal penalties ...
Disclaimer: SPYX'S SOFTWARE INTENDED FOR LEGAL USE ONLY. You are required to notify users of the device that they are being monitored. Failure to do so is likely to result .....