Unsure whether to opt for SpyX or uMobix? Discover how SpyX provides discreet tracking beyond uMobix.
Looking at the comparison below, SpyX becomes the clear winner.
SpyX supports all iOS versions including iOS 17.
uMobix currently does not support iOS 17.
SpyX supports multiple social media monitoring including WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, LINE, Snapchat, Skype, Kik, Teams, Telegram, Facetime, etc.
uMobix unsupported.
SpyX allows users to view contacts, numbers, call times, call duration and even Voicemail.
uMobix unsupported.
SpyX can track the historical location of multiple iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, Airpod, iwatch, and even where each photo was taken.
uMobix can only track location of iPhone.
SpyX don't need to install any app on target Android device, impossible to be detect.
uMobix must install extra an app on Android device.
SpyX no icon will appear on the target Android device.
uMobix a suspicious "Play services" app icon will displayed on the Android device and can't be hidden.
SpyX remote set-up without having physical access is available.
uMobix must access to the Android phone to finish the set-up.
SpyX set up in 2 minutes without installing app or jailbreaking.
uMobix 15+ minutes to install app or even hours to jailbreak the device.
Help you find out what's going on their account, wherever and whenever it's happening.
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Step 3
SPYX'S SOFTWARE INTENDED FOR LEGAL USE ONLY. You are required to notify users of the device that they are being monitored. Failure to do so is likely to result in violation of applicable law and may result in severe monetary and criminal penalties ...
Disclaimer: SPYX'S SOFTWARE INTENDED FOR LEGAL USE ONLY. You are required to notify users of the device that they are being monitored. Failure to do so is likely to result .....